A golden back story
one golden thread was borne by accident out of my own personal necessity.
I lived what amounted to 87% of my life empathetic to everyone’s journey, but my own. I sought unity of communities to feel whole, and I joined change the world endeavors to make myself feel better inside.
It wasn’t working.
While happy on outside, a sense of aloneliness resided inside. The low point was from 2008–2012 as my body was toxifying with Walking Pneumonia three times.
Have you ever heard of kairos moments? We each have these moments, that precise moment in time when the door of our minds crack open to reveal a momentary newfound light of understanding. In my past, the noise of my mind would quickly discredit what I saw as false, and the door would once again shut from a moment of ease back into dis ease.
Here’s the good news: In those kairos moment, I’ve discovered we each get to make a personal choice — to either stay in a malaise or seize on a new way of being.
My kairos awake up call occurred in a July 2012 Esalen workshop called Claiming Your Voice, flipping my personal script on self-worth and shared-love, sending me deep af into a several year personal discovery journey of thousands of cumulative hours of workshops, sitting with wise ones on mountain tops, conversations with plants, 7 burning mans, all which hatched the idea to continue to conversation with humanity by tying thousands of golden threads on people’s wrists beginning in 2016.
Through all this reflective listening to badassadors of life and self contemplation, the single most powerful thread that emerged was this:
We are each already golden inside.
Including me.
We can reveal what’s always been there, embracing well-being, versus playing the shame game of moving past blame and pain requiring change which rarely comes.
And yet, the human condition forgets.
My calling for my self and in inspiration is to design to remind. We are all golden inside. It’s a personal choice to tap it.
Couple this intention with a self-admitted freakish attention to nuance and detail, an appreciation for sprezzatura-inspired style, and I’m all in on designing favorite own less | love more fashion with passion and feeling. (you’ve got to feel it to feel it — either trust that trust, or listen to the words of these fashion-quenched golden souls.)
Welcome to One Golden Thread — check yourself out, we are you.
With unquenched love —
Jeff Scult | founder & catalyst OGT