Get dressed, it’s time for The Great Reset
Wed, 4/15 3:48AM :: An early morning Floetic Response to Covid + Earth Day 2020
Wistfully, a friend said to me, “Before we know it, this will all be over.”
How will we each use this time?
This uncertain moment is a most twisted gift, a personal choice to choose to either drift, or witness and participate in the lift of global collective consciousness.
In this planetary pause, we can feel perhaps for the very first time shared empathy, it’s an invitation for sustained compassionate solidarity.
So the question to pose: In time…will this home alone moment be seen as just a memory blip?
Or will this unseen enemy be a gateway, a golden ticket offering us each a self-permission for a collective pivot?
If we are really listening and ready to shift, I humbly submit two mandates are this:
1. It’s time to move past circular conversations and finger pointing at our past transgressions and debts.
2. And it’s time to shed stuck stories and cease feeding extractive models to explore new glories, a releasing to reveal ourselves as the butterfly anew from our own individual chrysalis.
What’s been done is done.
How do we wish to rise today, dancing on the bright side of the sun?
This pause is also not the time to grandstand about future renewed angry activism.
We are each blessed to be alive, to step now with personal choice pro-activism.
We are mortal yet not meek.
In this next breath, whatever your next vote, every small step forward and inward to seek, every action you speak, know you’ve inspired another to take their own leap.
You are the love you’ve been waiting for, your thoughts, words and actions are your vertical birthright to even the score.
Every extractive industry where we’ve been privy.
Just breathe to see your new destiny with 2020 clarity.
And please, this know, let that past shit go, our breaking free doesn’t happen with self-blame and shame, poisoning our souls.
How can we each flip the script? By ceasing the seeking, the wandering in the past, the wondering into the future mist;
Listen to Deepak, he taught us this: To look forward and back is just but a dream, time wasted mindlessness.
The reset is right here, right now.
I’m Jeff Scult. And for the last four years, I’ve woke from my dream, devoted to disrupt the shackles of a broken industry decimating the planet, ripe to be freed.
The plasticizing of our planet, atmosphere, and bodies is an irreversible loss.
After car tires and disposable bottles, this culprit is the Hall Pass of all passes — the ego clothes that we wear, wash, and toss.
How did we forget our largest feeling organ is our skin? Most clothes produced are disconnecting feeling, while polluting Earth and the Ocean into toxic oblivion. The hall pass of all hall passes? It’s called Fast Fashion.
The answers we demanded in the food industry 15 years ago fed our new intake destiny, followed by us understanding that soil is Earth’s soul, with re-ag our goal. We have the same opportunity, to reverse the material curse of what, without moving back to nature, will soon be our most polluting industry.
Flip your script, as an inspiring hack, simply embody the change by wearing badges of Earth-honor on your back.
The new model goes beyond sustainability, yes, we can go further than a goal of just “maintainability”.
Regeneration is the replenishment model we can each vote to mandate,
sustainably-sourced materials and regenerative practices give back to nature more than it takes to make.
This is not difficult to pivot. It’s just your relationship choice, seeing value over price, instead of for seasons, choose to cherish for life.
Pay for something made in loveshops over sweatshops.
That treats your body and skin with loving touch, comfort and visually sexy mic drops.
Buy clothes not about ego, chose those whose philosophy is about we go.
Clothes may be yesterday’s most oblivious hall pass.
Now we can choose good from earth | good for earth | golden for us as we walk the earth and built to last.
Be naked in your nature, in clothes that open your soul to a new possibility, embracing your chosen lovestyle reality.
This is not a pitch to buy clothes from me, just embrace the feelosophy.
And should there be a next time you purchase, choose whatever natural clothes connect you with your sovereign inner-nature, threads of solidarity.
You don’t need to apologize for embracing style — wear the change you wish to see.
And you will reveal the real you, the you’ist you we see to be.
This is all the Great Reset. It’s all a metaphor. There’s nothing new here. It’s all been said before.
This is your loving reminder.
What do you eat. What do you speak. What you do wear.
You are the blessing. Thank you for going there.
It’s all inter-connected.
On 4/22/20, it’s the 50th year anniversary of Earth Day.
Just perhaps it took a Virus to open our minds, providing us the pause for 2020 clear vision, to ask ourselves anew,
“How do I wish to play?”
Trust the trust, it begins within each of us.
Jeffrey Michael Scult
One Golden Thread — a regenerative nature fashion brand, designing wirh nature in mind to remind that we are all golden inside, a feelosophy of all things and beings connected as one golden thread
ConSculting — in service as a digger of gold for Individuals | Ideals | Ideas